Thank you for your interest in the Greeting Ministry! Our role, as SMRBC greeters, is to welcome guests and attendees of our church.
Each person coming to SMRBC, whether guest or regular attender, has their own story and is in their own place in God’s plan for them.We want every person at SMRBC to feel welcome and relaxed, to find their way easily through the church, and to be able to focus on what God has for them without distraction or concern.
Identify Yourself as a Helper. First things first -- when you sign up as a greeter we will print a nametag for you and place it at the information desk. Each Sunday you can go to the desk and put on that nametag, which helps identify you to guests as someone who can help. You are invited to put it on even on Sundays you're not at a door so that guests can know you're there to help wherever they see you!
Provide a friendly welcome to all guests at the main entrances to the church prior to Worship or other events and classes. Greeters will typically hold open doors for guests, and greet them with a smile and a "hi," "good morning," or "welcome."
Provide direction for anyone needing information or help. Greeters can answer simple questions about whether to go upstairs or downstairs or what to do with an umbrella. Often, greeters can and should walk new guests to the information desk in the foyer to help them find classes, get more information, or find any help they need.
Introduce them to their next connection. Greeters can introduce guests to a new Life Group teacher or member, the Children's Pastor for children's drop-off, a Pastor or family in the Worship Center before worship, or even just a nearby friend to help them make a connection. Often, greeters at the information desk will know better where and how to make these next connections.