SMRBC’s Building Blocks is an intentional progressive discipleship map for Staples Mill Road Baptist Church.

We want to enable every believer in our church to know the next step of spiritual growth for themselves and their children, and to equip them with the knowledge and resources to take that next step. 

Parents already recognize stages of life within their family through milestones such as Baby dedication, Kindergarten graduation, coming of age, or High School graduation. We can utilize these natural stages of life by equipping parents with resources and preparation to intentionally and consistently disciple their children in both planned and unplanned opportunities, leading their children through this unique stage of life and celebrating their children’s physical and spiritual growth alongside them. 

Milestones and growth do not stop at High School graduation, and our Building Blocks include specific discipleship goals and spiritual development for everyone in the church. As adults continue to pursue Christ, they too can use the Building Blocks to look to their “next step,” growing into mature believers in Christ in faith and ministry.

For each Building Block, we are preparing essential resources including seminars and classes, books, videos, and websites. We will help recognize physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual characteristics of each Building Block, and address the changes in relationships and challenges to faith that each stage brings. 

Our goal is to help prepare each person for their next step in discipleship, whether it’s parents to prepare their children or adults to grow and step out in faith in their own walks.