Join the Audio-Visual Team

We're grateful for the team of volunteers that run sound, lights, and video for us each week in our worship services. Coming out of COVID, a great group of additional volunteers have helped us continue to stream our services. Even now, we stream our service weekly to many who are unable to come to services a particular week, or who are homebound and love being able to be a part of worship with us from their homes.

As volunteers naturally have to rotate out for different reasons, though – we do need additional volunteers to step up to help with different tasks like streaming, sound, lights, video, and slides. Will you consider if you might be interested to help with this ministry? There’s no experience necessary; training is provided; and the scheduling is flexible.

Contact Brian Hobbs, our AV manager, for information – or use the connection card to let us know you’re interested and we’ll get you connected for more information.