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Pray… Vote… Make Disciples

Encouragement from Pastor Jim

Jesus has called us to be “salt” and “light” in a dark and decaying culture (Matthew 5:13-16). We do this best by sharing the gospel and making disciples. However, in this election season we are reminded that we get to be salt and light in another important realm – voting. Have you voted? Are you planning to vote? 

The early church in the Roman Empire had no say in their government. Thankfully, in our representative democracy, we have the great privilege and responsibility of voting. As citizens, we are responsible for the leaders we put in place. The question we face is this: With imperfect candidates, how should a disciple of Jesus Christ vote? How should we vote when neither candidate is a fellow disciple of Jesus Christ? We have faced this same question in nearly every election.

We look at the issues. As always, we must look at each issue through a biblical lens. We look past the sound bites and slogans to consider where the parties and candidates stand on key moral and spiritual issues like the sanctity of unborn human life, parental rights, a historic (biblical) understanding of male and female, and religious liberty. As believers, we do our best to vote for candidates whose stated intentions are most in harmony with God’s truth revealed in the Scriptures. 

So, my encouragement is to pray, vote, and at all times remain focused on your primary task of making disciples. In all your political engagement, stay Christlike. Do not speak or behave politically in ways that will hinder others from wanting to hear the gospel from you. Remember that their greatest need is Jesus, and your greatest loyalty is to Jesus.

So, pray, vote, and make disciples! 

In Him,
