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Fall Women's Bible Studies

Check out these three great options for weekday Bible Studies in the Fall, including offerings on Tuesday mornings, Thursday mornings, or Thursday evenings. Mark your calendars and sign up today!

Revelation | Eternal King, Everlasting Kingdom

  • Tuesday mornings starting 9/17, 9:30-11:30 AM
  • Led by Jillian Kain
  • A 10-Session Bible Study by Jen Wilkin
  • Room MP-3
  • Cost for Book: $20, book provided by SMRBC
  • Childcare available for Tuesday morning study, indicate at registration.
    Learn More & Register

Anxious: Fighting Anxiety with the Word of God by Scarlett Hiltibidal

  • Thursday mornings starting 9/19, 9:30-11:00 AM
  • Led by Sue Seay
  • An 8-Session Bible Study by Scarlet Hiltibidal
  • Room MP-3
  • Cost for book: $15, book provided by SMRBC
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Precept: The Book of Matthew (part 1)

  • Thursday evenings starting 10/3, 6:30-8:00 PM
  • Led by Lisa Wright
  • An 7-Lesson Precept In-Depth Bible Study on the Book of Matthew
  • Hosted in the home of Lisa Wright
  • Cost for book: $17, book provided by SMRBC
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