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Welcome Bags for Missionary Orientation

Encourage Missionaries at Field Personnel Orientation

Immediate Need: Collecting Through Sunday, July 21st

Help us collect items to welcome the Missionaries with welcome bags and other treats during their stay at Field Personnel Orientation. Go to the Sign-Up Genius list below and indicate items and quantities you can bring. Bring them to the church by Sunday, July 21st, where they can be dropped off in the foyer on Sunday or Wednesday or in the church office during the week.

Sign Up Here to Donate Something

July 27th Prayer Walk at the International Learning Center

You are also invited to join us on the afternoon of Saturday, July 27th as we deliver these welcome bags to the International Learning Center. This is where the missionaries will live and train for 7 weeks as they prepare for their time on the mission field. We will have the opportunity to tour the International Learning Center and pray in advance for these missionaries as they prepare.

Click here for details and RSVP for the Prayer Walk